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Завдання для олімпіади/турніру з англійської мови (читання)

щоб мати можливість переглядати усі сторінки та файли, публікувати власні матеріали

Read the story and do the tasks.
The Lucky Seed
A long time ago a farmer took a big bag of seeds to sell at the market. Suddenly, his cart’s wheel hit a big stone. Bump! One of the seeds fell out of the bag, and on the hot, dry ground.
”I’m scared”, said the seed. “I need to be under the soil.” Just then a cow walked on the seed and pushed it into the ground.
“I am thirsty,” said the seed. “I need some water to help me grow.” Just then it started to rain.
The next morning the seed had a little green shoot. All day it sat in the sun and grew taller and taller.
The next day it had its first leaf. This helped it to catch sunlight and grow. That evening a hungry bird tried to eat it. But the seed had roots to help it to stay in the ground.
Many years of sunshine and rain passed. The seed became a plant, and then the plant became a tree. Today if you visit the countryside you can see the tree. It is big and strong, and now makes seeds of its own.

I. Put the sentences in the correct order according to the text.

The next day it had its first leaf.
The plant became a tree.
A farmer took a big bag of seeds to sell at the market.
A hungry bird tried to eat the plant.
One of the seeds fell out of the bag.
“I need some water to help me grow.”

II. Say if the statements are true or false.
1. A long time ago a farmer went to the market.
2. One seed fell on the cold ground.
3. A horse walked on the seed and pushed it into the ground.
4. Firstly the seed had a little green shoot.
5. The next day it had its first leaves.
6. The plant became a big and strong tree.


Подзерка Наталя Василівна
вчитель англійської мови, спеціаліст вищої категорії
Соледарська ЗОШ №13


сайт British Council (взято текст з сайту, а завдання розроблені автором)


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